Life's Just Perfect... With A Crooked "T"

Perfect, With A Crooked "T"

Brenna Episode 1

Welcome to Life's Just Perfect... With A Crooked "T". 
I'm glad you are here. 
We are off on a brand new year of adventure, and this year I have chosen this phrase as my "word" or "mantra" if you will, for the year.

Being "Perfect" is all about perception. Life can be messy, unpredictable, and downright hard at times, but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful. What’s perfect for one person might not look like perfection to another, and that’s the magic of it. It’s about embracing the chaos, the quirks, and the moments that make your life uniquely yours. When you shift your perspective and look at your life through a lens of gratitude and excitement, you’ll find it’s not just good—it’s perfect… for you. 

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